Tuesday, March 2, 2010

day 8 - sugar cleanse

today...not a good day...so so tired...

today i ate major carbs...MAJOR...i had salad with avo, refried beans, nacho hemp cheeze, lettuce and sprouted corn tortilla...i had a slice and half of some garlic organic rye bread, (olive oil and garlic)...and then i had 2 very small slices of my mother's homemade spelt bread with some earth balance...

i also had a very very yummy cherry chocolate bomb shake...created by the lovely kristen suzanne...

good night...can't wait to do this:


  1. I'm trying to get off sugar too! It's like a drug for me, most of the time I'm okay, but if I let myself get hooked to it I feel terrible without it, then eventually terrible no matter what. I've been craving carbs too.

  2. oh man!!! carbs...carbs...carbs...i'm not a big fan of bread...but lately all i want is bread!

    i haven't had any cravings for chocolate or cake or cookies...which is really strange! the other day i bought original flavoured sunchips and thankfully i checked the label...sugar is an ingredient...go figure!

    i've made myself the cherry chocolate bomb shake...you should try it, it actually helps me A LOT! there's no sugar in it! but it's pretty sweet!

  3. thanks...

    he's pretty funny and entertaining...
