baby it's cold so so cold...
have i ever mentioned that john is of ukrainian decent? probably not. i mean, why would i right? well, the reason i bring it up now is because since meeting the boy...i have become addicted to borscht...i love it. it's such a soothing bowl of goodness. and i believe that it's so amazingly good for all of us...
it's been super cold in my world as of late...and this week i decided to make two huge pots of for my baby love, which i posted yesterday...a very manly soup...with all the manly fixings (not so healthy)...and one for me...and if you haven't already guessed, i made myself a lovely borscht...such a beautiful red bowl of super goodness...
i make my borscht with red beets and red cabbage...both very fabulous veggies...and on a cold night, after work...after traipsing around with jackson for hours in the bitter cold...playing with other dogs and throwing around a the very point that i wonder if i have frostbite on my toes...we wander back to our home and i warm up with a good old hot bowl of's just so wonderful for the me.
borscht (vegan)
3 beets, grated (i don't peel my beets, i just give them a good ol' scrubbing)
1/2 a head of red cabbage, shredded
1 very large carrot, grated
1 celery stalk, chopped
1 clove of garlic (i love garlic, but if you don't it's totally optional)
1 shallot minced quite finely
2 tbsp olive oil
6 cups of veggie broth (or water, i didn't have veggie broth, so i used water instead)
dill (i use about a cup of it...i love dill)
salt and pepper
1 lemon juiced
saute shallots and garlic in olive oil for a couple of minutes. add carrots and celery, saute for another 2 minutes. add cabbage, beets, dill and water/stock. bring to a boil. lower the heat to very low, and allow soup to simmer for a couple of hours. add lemon juice, salt and pepper and enjoy...some people enjoy the soup with a dollop of sour cream, plain yogurt and horseradish. i just enjoy mine plain.
i also made another soupy stew...a vegan lentil swiss chard stew...i just threw a bunch of things into a soup pot and let it simmer for an hour...i sauteed celery...carrots and onion in some olive oil...and added the lentils and some organic veggie broth...when the stew was just about ready i added a couple of handfuls of swiss chard and baby spinach...and voila...a nice hearty stew to warm the insides...
how do you stay warm in your world, when it's cold outside?
and...i thought i would share a picture of my mama and my baby love...and of my fur baby with green alien eyes...
have a beautiful friday my friends...